Puzzle 51 - Order?

Any hints on how to get started with this?

It’s clear that

Spoiler warning

you can “capture” the pieces which turns them into the color of the capturing piece. But what order do we capture in? How does that correspond with the boxes below (in what order should those boxes be filled)? Do we have to alternate white/black (it seems yes by the HINT)?

I also under stand that the number in the box corresponds to the position of the letter in the piece name.




Great start!

The boxes will be filled in the order you use the pieces :smiley:

When you capture a piece, you “become” the piece you ate, so you take its color and its type.

Further Spoilers

If you look carefully, you will find that there is a single piece that cannot be captured by any other pieces, which means that is must be the starting piece to use :smile:

Hope this helps!