I believe i have correctly solved both sudokus, but i dont understand the link between the middle squares and the tictactoe grids? Any hint would be appreciated! Thank you
I believe i have correctly solved both sudokus, but i dont understand the link between the middle squares and the tictactoe grids? Any hint would be appreciated! Thank you
This is a tricky one indeed
You should try “solving” the 9 TicTacToes, and see if what you could do with the “solutions” ? Using both center squares of the sudokus ?
I’m still stuck on this one too and the hint that was given still does not help me. Any more hints??
Hi there!
On the top row, you’ve got:
9 cells in the center square, and 9 TicTacToes.
On the bottom row, you’ve got 9 other cells in the center square of the sudoku.
You should try to rearrange the “solved” TicTacToes to see if they draw a particular letter